Held via Google Meet on 18th March 2023.
Nine of the ten paid-up member clubs were represented at this meeting, as well as the Breed Health Coordinator (BHC), Breed Education Coordinator (BEC), ViceChairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and three observers were present.
Minutes of the 2022 Annual Meeting held on 20th January were approved by the member clubs present, proposed by NWA (Katie McDonald) and seconded by MWC (Rachel Hambling). There were no matters arising.
In the Chairman’s report a mention was given to Whippet friends lost through the last year and a minute’s silence was observed.
The Treasurer, George Poole gave a clear and concise update on finances of the BC and was duly thanked. The Breed Health Coordinator gave her report which is available to see in full of the BC website and FB page and the Breed Education Coordinator gave her report which is also available to see on the BC website and FB page.
George Poole was elected for a 3-year term as Treasurer. Proposed by EAWC and seconded by SYWC, supported by all clubs. Other officers were returned unopposed. Chairman (Jan Wood) has the current year to serve, Vice Chairman (Roger Perkins), Secretary (Mel Sampson), and BHC (Jo Whitehead) all have a 2-year term to serve.
The BEC position sits outside the Annual Meeting Elections.
Subscriptions for member clubs are set at £100.00. It was proposed by NCWC and seconded by SYWC that they remain at this figure.
Two amendments to the BC constitution were agreed.
The title should include The UK prior to the wording Whippet Breed Council this was agreed. The Council shall now be called The UK Whippet Breed Council. Additional wording is added to 3g, it now reads as follows – Full members of Breed Clubs may attend Breed Council meetings as Observers but cannot vote. At the discretion of the Chairman, they may be invited to participate in the debate as deemed appropriate to the item being discussed. It should be understood by Club Representatives and Observers that matters discussed within the meeting can sometimes be sensitive and therefore it is expected that Breed Council business will not be discussed outside of their club’s committee meeting.
Jan Wood, Chairman UK Whippet Breed Council