Adapted from an article by Katie McDonald, Solentwaves Whippets
The sport of Lure Coursing has seen a continuing increase in popularity over the last ten years with Whippets from all walks of life competing. So………..what is it?
Lure Coursing is the pursuit of a ‘Lure’ (usually made from plastic bags) by one or two dogs. The lure is then pulled around a series of turns by a motorised Lure Machine specially designed for the job. This is controlled by a Lure Driver who is trained to keep the Lure in front of the dogs when running. The dogs complete the course and depending upon which UK Lure Coursing Club you attend, they are either scored on a points-based system or Coursing rules. Lure Coursing does not involve live game but challenges the natural instinct of the Whippet to chase by offering a visual stimulant in the form of a Lure. Coursing of live game with dogs became illegal under the 2004 Hunting Act.
There are two main clubs in the UK . One is the Sporting Whippet Club and the other is UK Sighthound Sport (UKSS). The former is for KC registered Whippets only and the latter for all sighthounds. It has been formed to facilitate the development of a standardised format with an acknowledged award and title structure that will be compliant with European regulations and allow British dogs to compete at top level FCI competitions.
The Lure Coursing season in the UK runs from March until October. Both Clubs are very welcoming and have comprehensive websites as well as Facebook pages. Any KC registered Whippet can compete in a Lure Coursing Club in the UK. The only stipulation that the Sporting Whippet has is that your dog is 21.5” or under.
Injuries can and do happen. However, injuries happen when you are walking your dogs in the woods, when they are chasing each other in a field, on the beach or even in your own garden. At lure coursing events run by recognised, insured clubs the grounds are checked prior to the day for debris, hardness under foot and grass length. The machines and set courses are trialled and tested prior to competitive running. All these risks are taken into account before running and no club wants to see any hound injured. Minimising risk works both ways and it is a fact that if your dog is over 12 months, physically fit and has been trialled prior to entering for full competition , you as the owner will be evaluating and minimising risk for your own dog. There are indeed many Whippets that have success both at lure coursing and in the show ring.
There are racing and lure coursing classes at some of the Breed Club Shows, General Championship Shows, and Crufts. For Crufts not only does the dog have to qualify in the normal way it also has had to qualify on the race track or the lure coursing field. In 2023 the following was recommended by Whippet Breed Council to use in show schedules as the classification. SPECIAL OPEN RACING/LURE COURSING for Whippets over 12 months of age on the first day of the show who have Competed (Trials not accepted) twice or more in Racing or Lure Coursing during their lifetime with a Recognised Club / Association, prior to the close of entry. The Recognised Club / Association Passports or licence will be checked on the day of the show. (Proof of eligibility may be confirmed with the Recognised Club/Association.)’

The Sporting Whippet Club is a traditional coursing club was formed in 2013 and as the name suggest is purely for pedigree whippets. They have based their rules on the old coursing rules and Dogs run from slips and in height stakes, Standard Dog 18.5’’ -20’’, Standard Bitch 17.5’’- 18,5’’ and Open class for all whippets up to 21.5’’ which is usually divided into 2 or 3 height stakes.
Dogs gain points over the season and the top eight dogs in each section are invited to run on finals day. All dogs are issued with a passport and run in muzzles and red or white collars. SWC run a Drag lure which has to be taken back to the start after each run. All runs are pre drawn and a card is produced for each meeting.
SWC Website Online Membership Form

UK Sighthound Sport is a sighthound club and the newest club formed in 2017. It has adopted the European style of coursing and its rules. Dogs can only run after completing two satisfactory clearance trials before gaining a license. Dogs again run in red or white Jackets and wear muzzles. UKSS run a drag lure system.
Its aim is to gain recognition for the sport by the Kennel Club to bring us in line with other European countries and the USA, Canada and Australia with the relevant titles.
The club currently holds Three Championship meetings per year where dogs can gain Lure Coursing Certificates, when a dog gains three of these they are award the title Lure Coursing Champion. Dogs can also gain points to qualify to run at the European Lure Coursing Championships and the top six of each sex in each breed can take part.
UKSS website Online Membership Form