UK Whippet Breed Council
The Whippet Breed Council was set up in 1984 to act as a conduit for the Breed Clubs to work together and to liaise with and work together with The Kennel Club for the benefit of the breed. It provides a focal point for the breed and is a consultative body having no executive powers over the affairs of the constituent clubs.
Contact usMembership of the Breed Council is open to KC-registered Whippet Breed Clubs with each being entitled to have two representatives at a meeting but just one vote. There are no individual members. It is registered with The Kennel Club and has to comply with Kennel Club rules and regulations including the submission of Annual Returns.
Breed Record Holder
Ch Nutshell Of Nevedith
(Nevedith Up Town Guy x Chilka Dairy Maid)

Reserve Best in Show, Crufts 1990. Holder of 43 Challenge Certifcates
Upcoming Meetings
Members of a subscribed Breed Club can attend meetings as an Observer. Please contact the Secretary for further information.
Latest news
UK Whippet Breed Council Team
Alayna Morland
Ann Beckett-Bradshaw
Vice Chair
Melanie Sampson