Held via Google Meet on 18th March 2023.
On opening the meeting, the Chairman asked for remembrances and condolences to be noted in the minutes. Ten clubs were represented at the Meeting, present were the officers of the UKWBC, the BEC, the BHC, and three observers.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Matters Arising – The definition of show classes for racing and lure coursing is a work in progress. It was reported that Breed Clubs do not support any amendment to the Breed Standard regarding movement. The Treasurer reported that all Breed Clubs had paid their subscriptions. Northern Ireland Whippet Club has opted not to subscribe to UK Breed Council.
A discussion was had on the merits and demerits of publicising heart test results and the difficulty of getting information required to progress matters from the KC. A lengthy discussion took place regarding Breed Appreciation Days and concerns were expressed that it was becoming increasingly difficult to fill these days. Clubs are expected to run a BAD at least every two years and with the number of clubs involved, it is not seeming to be easy to find enough candidates. It was suggested that perhaps clubs could get together and/or BADs could be run regionally. The BEC is going to discuss this with The Kennel Club. Candidates on BADs will be provided with an online pdf version of Pam Marston-Pollock’s The Illustrated Extended Breed
Standard. It is watermarked for each BAD. If you have attended a BAD and not received a copy please get in touch with the Breed Council Secretary.
An update on WOTY was given and it is hoped that for 2023 this will be a stand-alone event.
Jan Wood, Chairman, UK Whippet Breed Council