Chairman’s Synopsis: October Meeting

2022 Meetings

Nine of the ten paid up member clubs were represented at this meeting, as well as the Breed Health Coordinator (BHC), Breed Education Coordinator (BEC) and one observer being present.

The Chairman opened the meeting with a minutes silence in remembrance of Peter Hinchcliffe, Stefan Raghamer, Judith Prigg, Mimi Brown and Sylvia Marston, Whippet friends that have sadly passed away since the last meeting.

The minutes of the previous meeting had been previously circulated and were approved by the member clubs present.

In matter arising it was noted that a new definition for the Racing and Lure Coursing classes at shows had not been progressed very far and it was decided that the R & LC sub-group needed further structuring in order to progress this matter.

The KC criteria for judges being nominated to award CCs for the first time was further discussed and the Breed Liaison Officer was asked to look at the merit of taking this item to the Liaison Council.

Online events for the Autumn and winter were discussed and it was suggested that a further talk on heart issues in whippets would be useful.

It was reported that there had been no interest in running a lunch at the Kennel Club this winter.

The Interim Treasurer, George Poole gave a clear and concise update on finances of the BC and was duly thanked.

The Breed Health Coordinator advised that the KC Breed Health Conservation Plan has been produced but at present lacks the much needed Statement on Hearts, she has reiterated the need for continued heart testing sessions under Cardiologists that understand the type of hearts that whippets have.

The Breed Education Coordinator reported that BAD and MCE days were being well attended and that the Northern Ireland Whippet Club are planning an online BAD and MCE, with the help of BC Secretary Mel Sampson. This event is sold out.

Clarification on breed booklets available through BC was discussed and agreed upon. This will be posted on the BC Facebook page and Website.

Whippet Of The Year was discussed and Alayna Allen (NWA) reported that the WOTY would be taking place at Boston Championship Show immediately after the judging of whippets.

The BC Secretary updated the meeting the BC Facebook Page and Website which she is now responsible for and was thanked from the floor.

The proposed changes in wording of the Whippet Breed Standard regarding movement had been taken back to the Clubs and those Clubs that fed back at the meeting didn’t want change, the remainder have been asked to please submit their decisions by email prior to the next meeting.

The next meetings of the UKWBC will be held on Saturday 18th March, Annual Meeting at 10.00 am followed by an Ordinary Meeting. These will be held via Google Meet.

Jan Wood Chairman, UK Whippet Breed Council

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