Eight of the ten paid up member clubs were represented at this meeting, as well as one observer being present. The Breed Health Coordinator (BHC), Breed Education Coordinator (BEC), Vice-Chairman and three of the Clubs’ representatives were unable to attend.
The Chairman opened the meeting with a reminder of the correct protocol regarding Breed Councils. A minute’s silence was held in remembrance of Whippet friends who have sadly passed away since the last meeting.
The Secretary read minutes of the previous meeting, these were approved by the member clubs present. There were no matters arising. It was noted that some action points from previous minutes still required completion:
The BEC needs to know of entry numbers for shows if supporting a candidate for assessment as there has to be the correct number of dogs for the assessment to be carried out.
The definition of Racing and Lure Coursing classes requires attention. A number of people have been put forward as a sub-group to take this forward.
As the BC Treasurer had tendered his resignation after the nomination cut off date for the Annual Meeting an Interim Treasurer was put in place at this meeting, George Poole was duly appointed as Interim Treasurer until the Annual Meeting in 2023.
The online events programme was discussed, and it was agreed that it should be continued, clubs were asked to come up with ideas of topics. The BHC had agreed that once the Breed Health Conservation Plan has been produced, she will lead an online event on the subject.
Whippet Of The Year was discussed and Alayna Allen (EAWC) reported that the WOTY group had a meeting planned in the near future and would give feedback at the next meeting.
The BC hard working secretary has kindly offered to add the tasks of running the BC Facebook Page and Website to her list of duties, all were in favour of this idea, and she was thanked from the floor.
Pam Marston Pollock is Hound Representative on the Breed Standard Stud Book Committee and asked BC to consider some changes in wording of the Whippet Breed Standard regarding movement. It was decided that this was a topic that needed to be taken back to Club Committees for further discussion.
Editha Newton the Whippet BEC advises that BAD & MCE days have started to appear on the KC chances to learn webpage. EAWC & NEWS have had theirs with much success, MWC is to follow on 13th November. Other Clubs will confirm their dates in time. BAD & MCE can be held in conjunction with an Open or Limit show, this reduces costs for all concerned.
Editha is around at most shows if anyone needs to talk face to face or can be contacted at:
whippeteducation906@gmail.com 01246 467560 or 07719637969,& WhatsApp
Jan Wood, Chairman UK Whippet Breed Council