Almost 20 whippet enthusiasts attended the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Whippet Breed Council. An excellent turn out with a wonderful vibrant atmosphere.
Business was fairly standard and there was no controversy regarding the items on the agenda, most of which were concluding the business from the previous year. The Vice Chairman Ian Halbert had ‘taken up the reins’ later in 2017 to hold the fort until the elections at this very meeting. Due to the fact that Russell Sykes was standing for election, Ian was resigning from his post, as the Breed Council constitution allows only one officer from any one club to serve (as an officer) on the Breed Council. Russell had been acting secretary through the latter part of 2017 and had arranged both the Annual and ‘ordinary’ meetings
The treasurer Molly Head gave a financial report which indicated that the Breed Council was at least ‘In the Black’.
The council then moved on to the elections of Chairman, Secretary, Vice Chairman and Health co-ordinator. There had been no nominations for the latter two positions and unfortunately, due to a technicality, there was no requirement for a ballot. As a result Ann Beckett-Bradshaw and Russell Sykes were elected as Chairman and Secretary respectively.
The council then discussed subscriptions – often a contentious issue, but the council agreed that they should remain as they were.
Business was closed fairly quickly and the council then moved on to the next (ordinary) meeting.
Ann Beckett-Bradshaw began the meeting as the new chairman and again business was uncontroversial.
One of the clubs had asked for the issue of Merle colouration and ‘wall’ eyes to be an agenda item at the meeting and how the Breed Council would protect whippets from this potential threat to the purity and health of the breed. There was an extensive discussion with several suggestions on how to approach the Kennel Club and make use of their vast experience.
Whippet of the Year was discussed and some potential changes were suggested. Volunteers are hard to come by for these special events and it usually falls to a small nucleus of people to stage the event which always seems to be both well received and successful.
The Judges Competency Framework was another topic which required quite some discussion and how this will alter the education of future judges. The Kennel Club have requested that a JCF Breed Education Officer be appointed and the Council have requested that the clubs provide names of those considered to be both competent and qualified to undertake the role. Names for submission are to be sent to the secretary by 28th February 2018.
The whippet video for the Kennel Club Academy has been sponsored and is expected to be filmed in the near future.
The Breed Council website will be having a re-vamp and hopefully more information will be available soon.
The next ordinary meeting is scheduled for July and anyone who would like to attend as an observer, must be a member of a whippet breed club and notify either the Breed Council Chairman or the Secretary of their intention to attend.
Mrs Ann Beckett-Bradshaw