On Sunday 28th January 2018, at the Annual Meeting, I was privileged to take up the office of Chairman of the Whippet Breed Council.
The council’s objectives, in essence, through the constitution is to uphold the Breed Standard, to encourage the clubs to promote and assist those who wish to further their knowledge and to liaise with the Kennel Club General Committee.
The Breed Council is not a secret ‘Old Boys Club’ and no special handshakes are required to gain entry to the meeting rooms.
Those who DO attend on behalf of their club, are volunteers, usually receiving no financial reimbursement for their time and travel, their only reward is knowing that they are ‘doing their bit’ for the breed we love.
The Kennel Club’s new Judges Competency Framework will be gradually eased into effect over the coming years and we will see changes in the way judges are trained and qualify for future appointments.
This will be a busy time as these processes develop and the JCF becomes more familiar to both the Breed Council and the breed clubs.
The constitution states that any full member of a breed club may attend meetings as observers and I would like to openly invite anyone who would like to see and hear what is discussed at meetings to contact either myself, or the Secretary Russell Sykes.
The meetings can be very interesting and, who knows, you may even decide you would like to roll up your sleeves and ‘Get Stuck In’!!
We look forward to seeing you or, better still, getting you involved!
Ann Beckett-Bradshaw (Chairman)