Synopsis of the Annual Meeting of the Whippet Breed Council, 12th February 2024

2024 Meetings

Held via Google Meet

This will be my final Synopsis of Breed Council meetings as Chairman, I have come to the end of my term and have not stood for re-election.

All of the ten paid-up member clubs were represented at this meeting, as well as the Breed Health Coordinator (BHC), Breed Education Coordinator (BEC), Secretary, Treasurer and 6 observers being present. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true record. Proposed Jo Beckett- Hughes (NCWC) & seconded Katie McDonald (NWA).

Under matters arising it was reported that the change of title request is recently back from the Kennel Club and the response is not as hoped for, it is suggested by the KC that UK should be added after the title Whippet Breed Council and not before. It was also pointed out that we could not use the title The Whippet Breed Council as the word THE is not allowed in titles of clubs, societies, etc., As this is a change of title different to the one that went through the 2023 AM it will need to be taken back to the 2025 AM.

The Chairman reported that this was the year of Breed Council’s 40th Anniversary, an extract from The Whippet Biennial Issue 6 had been sourced which highlighted the formation of Breed Council and who the officers were, this is going to be included in the new website which is under construction at present and will hopefully go live any time now.

The Treasurer George Poole presented the Accounts which showed a healthy balance. Marianne Lister (NCWC) proposed and Luke Johnston (NEWS) seconded that the accounts be accepted.

The Breed Health Coordinator and Breed Education Coordinator gave their reports which will be available to see on the BC website and Facebook page.

Of the Officers and Coordinators of the Breed Council only the position of Chairman needed to be voted on this year. Voting was conducted anonymously using Survey Monkey via email. A short break to the meeting allowed for time for emails to be sent to club representatives and them to submit their votes, the result was: Alayna Morland 4 votes, Roger Perkins 3 votes and Claire Rishworth 3 votes. The retiring Chairman congratulated Alayna Morland on her appointment.

It was proposed by Luke Johnson (NEWS) and seconded by Lisa Sampson (EAWC) that subscriptions paid by the Clubs to be members of BC should remain unchanged. It was noted that all 10 Member Clubs were paid up to date.

Jan Wood

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