Breed Council Report from The BEC (Breed Education Coordinator)

2023 Breed Council Report

As we approach the end of the year and it will be again time for me to send in my end-of-year report to the KC, I would please ask Breed Clubs to furnish me with your Breed-supported entry shows information.

It is a requirement for clubs to support at least two General or Group Open Shows each year to be used as observation opportunities for Level 2 judges. This is a requirement under the Kennel Club C Regulations.

I also need you to tell me the name of the club, the date, the name of the judge you are supporting, and the numbers judged.

I have a list of people who have done their 3rd mentoring session and are ready to be observed. At the minute all the breed people who have taken their 3rd mentoring session have Breed Club shows coming up. This position hasn’t altered since June 2023. One observation has been done & I have 4 pending, all with club shows coming up. I am finding that the majority of people who want to be mentored are all-round judges. If breed people do not jump on board with the JEP it will be no use grumbling that the only judges we get are ‘all-rounders’!

There are prospective judges who have done their BAD/MCE and a group mentoring session but have failed to follow up on further mentoring. If you are one of these or you know someone who is please can they get in touch with me. If you have found that judging isn’t the way forward for you I would rather know so that my list of prospective judges can be as accurate as possible.

BAD/MCEs have now been completed by all the clubs except SYWC who will hold one in November with a group mentoring session to follow. This is an ideal opportunity to feel the construction of different dogs and see them move so that an even better understanding of the breed can be attained.

The KC has now amended the JEP level 1 criteria as of 1st Jan 2024 as follows:

  • Minimum of 5 years of proven interest in pedigree dogs.
  • Attend a conformation and movement seminar as hosted by a KC Accredited trainer.
  • Complete a minimum of 2 full day stewarding appointments.
  • Attend a Requirements of a dog show judge seminar and pass associated exam, either in person or online via KC Academy.
  • Pass the points of a dog assessment conducted by a KC Accredited trainer.

With these changes JEP level 2 criteria is now amended as follows:

Attend a BAD and pass MCE for respective breed.

View ring stewarding seminar and take online quiz via KC Academy.

Complete critique writing seminar and take online quiz via KC Academy.

Whilst completing the critique writing and stewarding seminars remain a JEP level 2 requirement the board has agreed that they can be done at any time, and that the judge does not need to wait until they meet the level 1 criteria and are recommended to view prior to stewarding or judging.

Please remember that The Kennel Club are available to answer any questions, not just about JEP, on the KC Roadshow at LKA – and will have copies of the A5 JEP booklet which you can collect.

As I am the BEC for the whole breed and not just BC I sent a letter to Whippet Club of Northern Ireland about holding a BAD/MCE in 2024 in which I suggested that they could hold a seminar in conjunction with an open show and that I would go and assist them as the breed speaker and run their BAD/MCE. I have had no reply.

I must thank all the mentors and breed speakers for their time and enthusiasm to ensure that the breed continues to move forward with the times. If any of the mentors would like to let me know which shows they would be attending, it would be much appreciated.

07719637969, 01246 467560 & WhatsApp

Editha Newton

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