Synopsis of Ordinary Meeting of the UK Whippet Breed Council held via Google Meet on 23rd October 2023
The Chairman opened the meeting and reported that the Whippet had been the breed showcased in this month’s Kennel Gazette. Heart testing has been very active in the last month with The Sarah Pirie Whippet Heart Fund (NWA) holding its second echocardiogram day, The Kennel Club unexpectedly offered two days of echocardiogram testing free of charge at Stoneleigh MWC organised and hosted auscultation testing at their Championship Show alongside eye testing. Thanks were given to all involved. Our next meeting will be the Annual Meeting and Clubs were asked to consider whether they are happy to continue with the online meeting format and give thought to who they would like to elect for the roles within Breed Council. The Chairman raised the suggestion that we consider holding some evening seminars throughout the winter – perhaps one on heart murmurs – and consideration be given to this being used as a fundraiser for The Sarah Pirie Whippet Heart Fund.
Eight of the ten paid-up member clubs were represented at this meeting, as well as the Breed Health Coordinator (BHC), Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and one observer being present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true record. Proposed Jo Beckett-Hughes(NCWC) & seconded Katie McDonald (NWA
Matters arising included a discussion about using and promoting the agreed classification for Racing and Lure Coursing classes at shows and the classification of Special Beginners classes and the progression from them as in other non-age classes. It was reported that the change of title request is still being processed by the Kennel Club.
The Treasurer, George Poole reported that BC funds were looking healthy and he felt that this was in no small way due to the sale of booklets. He does feel that this could not be relied on to continue and the council should be mindful of finances.
The Breed Health Coordinator and Breed Education Coordinator gave their reports which will be available to see on the BC website and FB page.
The application for a change of title to UK Whippet Breed Council is still with the Kennel Club and will be reported on further when appropriate.
Alayna Allen reported that WOTY was to be held on 6th January at Kingsbury Sports and Community Centre, Kingsbury near Tamworth. Please see the WOTY website and Facebook page for more information.
Jan Wood Chairman Whippet Breed Council