Held on 24th January 2021
The Chairman presented a report from the previous year’s business which was fairly encompassing, in essence:
Almost immediately after Crufts 2020, the new Covid 19 crisis affected us all, and it seemed that it would be quite some time before we could be together again.
In August, and with Breed Council Secretary Mel Sampson’s expert guidance, we were able to set up our first online meeting so that council business could resume.
By the November ’20 council meeting, there was more confidence about the online meetings and we had full club attendance plus observers. It was generally agreed that the online meetings were stabilising our quorum, reducing our Carbon footprint and eliminating expenses to those who normally represented their clubs. A win–win situation all-round and one that looks set to continue in a post Covid future.
In early December ‘20, Breed Council organised a free, online ‘Whippet Education Evening’ with an excellent breed specific presentation by our Breed Education Coordinator – Pam Marston Pollock. There were 75 tickets made available which were scooped up within 90 minutes of going ‘live’. Signees came from the UK, Europe and from as far afield as South Africa. It was such a resounding success, that there were requests almost immediately for another production and Jo Whitehead offered to create an ‘Introduction to Colour Genetics in Whippets’.
This time there was a small charge for the tickets and a maximum of 100 attendees. Once again, they were a fast sell out. Another triumph-more whippet enthusiasts who have increased their knowledge base and filled in a little of the Covid-19 void.
The Chairman thanked all who had given of their time throughout the last year, in particular Mel Sampson, whose abilities particularly in regard to the online education events, was invaluable.
The Chairman was retiring on rotation and stood for re-election. There were no other nominations, so Ann Beckett-Bradshaw was elected as Chairman for another 3-year term.
Jo Whitehead and Pam Marston Pollock were also going to continue in their roles of Health Coordinator and Breed Education Coordinator respectively.
Some clubs were unsure in which direction to take with regard to AGM’s of their clubs so clarification was to be sought from the KC. Direction has since been refined by the KC.
The Facebook page and web sites were both receiving plenty of traffic and the monthly photo competitions were very popular. Our social media outlet was helping to ‘keep a finger on the pulse’ for those who wanted to continue to be informed.
One of the articles of the Whippet Breed Council constitution is to, quote, ‘assist those who wish to further their knowledge of the breed’. The online education events are an excellent way for the Council to deliver breed information to those who wish to do precisely that – wherever they live in the world..
Potential subjects for future presentations were discussed at length and some online events will probably continue even after life returns to ‘normal’.
The Whippet World Congress will be held in Italy in 2022 and we will be giving more detailed information regarding this event in the near future.
The next online presentation will be at 7.00pm on 23rd February from Ian Seath, who will talk about approaches to breed health improvement and why every breed needs a
health strategy. The presentation will cover areas where it might be useful to focus attention and discuss how breeders can make use of DNA tests and clinical screening programmes, as well as some of the pitfalls to be aware of. There will be a Q & A session after the presentation.
The next Breed Council meeting is scheduled for 9th May 2021
Ann Beckett-Bradshaw (Chairman)