This is forward notice that you will be receiving the Agenda on 28th June for the forthcoming Breed Council meeting on Sunday 9th August 2020 at 11:00am.
If you have items you want placed on the Agenda please let me know by Friday 26th June.
This will be held via video conferencing using Google Meet. It is simple and straightforward and your representative will be sent a link to come to the meeting.
The officers have had a trial run and this was successful. If anyone would like to have a trial run of using Google Meet prior to the meeting I am more than happy to arrange this at a mutually convenient time.
I have attached a guide to Google Meet but will send further information once you confirm the Email address of your representative. You will be asked to do this one week prior to the meeting.
If your representative is using a computer or laptop they will need to have a working camera and microphone. If your representative is using an iPad, tablet, iphone or android phone they will need to download and install the Google Meet app.
On this occasion Breed Clubs are asked to ‘send’ just the one representative. It will be the first time we have attempted a meeting like this and as there are eleven Breed Clubs, four Officers, Health Coordinator and Breed Education Coordinator, numbers are already at seventeen.
Melanie Sampson
UK Whippet Breed Council Secretary