The Whippet Breed Council held a meeting on 9th August 2020. This was a ‘virtual’ meeting held on Google Meet and was the first of its kind for the Council. The Chairman and Officers were anxious that the meeting be successful and so asked the clubs to restrict their representatives to one camera per club. This meant each club retained their one vote, but if they chose to have others sit in with them, they could do so. Along with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary and 10 of the 11 member clubs, there were 13 cameras linked to the meeting. After a few minor teething troubles, the meeting began only 10 minutes later than scheduled.
Clubs were reminded to alter their websites to reflect the changes to the breed standard, excluding the colour Merle.
The Breed Council had considered offering an ‘Associate Membership’ to non-UK whippet Breed clubs throughout the world, so that they could keep in contact with any changes and to ensure a flow of information both ways. However, the Chairman proposed that she send out an email, containing both Web Site and Facebook information, so that those worldwide clubs who would like to continue to be informed of UK whippet issues had a link to do so. They would then also have access to synopsis after every meeting and this meant that information could still be disseminated and shared. The Chairman continues to maintain the idea that anyone who wishes to raise a concern with the Breed Council regarding whippets worldwide, should have the ability and confidence to do so. Naturally, any raised issues would be scrutinised by the Breed Clubs for any further action.
There was then some discussion regarding club Codes of Ethics and whether or not the Breed Council should have an independent established Code of Ethics. However, under its constitution as a consultative body the Breed Council does not have, nor does it require, its’ own Code of Ethics. The eleven Breed Clubs who are members of the Breed Council each have their own Codes and these have variances, with each Club deciding what consequences there are for members who break their Code of Ethics. Some clubs have removed membership, and some have refused entries in addition to this. Breed Clubs can of course report transgressions to The Kennel Club – as can any concerned individual. Caution was advised before sharing names or information on misdemeanours to other Clubs in order to prevent the targeting of individuals. When joining a Breed Club, new or existing members should be aware of the clubs’ Code of Ethics and the potential consequences of breaking them.
All clubs were asked to send a copy of their Codes of Ethics to the Secretary so that they were readily available, on request.
Social media via the Facebook and Web pages was proving to be a very successful way of disseminating information. Most recently, due to the Covid Crisis, there were reports that some breeders were vastly inflating the prices of their whippet puppies. With the coordination of the Breed Clubs, the Breed Council released a statement with advice and suggestions as guidance for potential puppy owners. There is also a proposal to further expand the guidance, for those members of the public who may not be a member of a breed club, on things to consider if they plan to breed from their bitch or use their dog at stud.
The Facebook photo competition set up, had received a fantastic number of hits and it was the public whose ‘likes’ had decided the winners. There were further suggestions to try to promote the Breed Council Website so that it would receive more traffic and reach a wider audience.
The Council’s Health Coordinator had sent an in-depth report regarding whippet data that was being submitted to the Kennel Club’s Breed Health Conservation Plan. There was a request for the Health coordinator to simplify some of the details regarding heart testing, so that it was all better understood. Once that information has been compiled, it will be set out onto the social media and web sites.
The Breed Education Coordinator (BEC) also sent in a full report regarding the Kennel Clubs ongoing Judges Competency Framework. The JCF is now rebranded as the Judges Education Program (JEP). Some changes have been made in all regards and if there is any confusion as to the requirements for any individual they may contact the BEC on her email –
The Illustrated Breed Standard booklet has been reprinted and is available now. Contact Breed Club or Breed Council secretaries for a copy.
Naturally, because of the Covid crisis, the 2019 Whippet Of The Year had not been able to go ahead. However, there are plans to hold a joint 2019/2020 sometime throughout 2021 linking in with another championship show. Information will be released once it becomes available.
The Chairman finished by reminding the Breed Council that the position of Chairman was due for re-election in 2021 and that any names for the position must be both proposed and seconded by member clubs. Any proposed candidate did not need to be a committee member of any Breed Club and could be an independent person.
Business had been conducted in a successful and timely manner, with all representatives able to input the opinions of their committees. Everyone seemed to be in favour of the overall reduction of our Carbon Footprint and the ability to have a little extra time in bed, rather than a long drive in advance of the meeting.
The next meeting will be held on Sunday 22nd November at 10.00am. Once again this will be a virtual meeting, using Google Meet. Two representatives will be welcomed from each club.
The Breed Council remains committed to transparency of the meetings and feels confident that it can now allow a limited number of observers to attend the next meeting. This will be on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. During any confidential or sensitive discussions, observers may be asked to temporarily leave the meeting and re-join a little later, as indeed they would have done in a ‘Face to Face’ meeting. Observers must be members of a UK whippet Breed Club and should contact the secretary Mel Sampson or the Chairman Ann Beckett-Bradshaw in advance of the meeting.
Ann Beckett-Bradshaw (Chairman UK Whippet Breed Council)