On 1st March 2020, just one week before Crufts, the Annual meeting of the Whippet Breed Council started on time, with only one club of the eleven unrepresented.
To Clarify the eleven clubs consist of the following:
The Whippet Club, South Yorkshire Whippet Club, National Whippet Association, South West Whippet Club, Northern Counties Whippet Club, Midland Whippet Club, North Eastern Whippet Society, East Anglian Whippet Club, Whippet Club of Scotland, Whippet Club of Wales, Northern Ireland Whippet Club.
The Chairman Ann Beckett-Bradshaw presented the following report on the 2019 year to the attendees:
After the Merle issue had come to a successful conclusion in early 2019, the Breed Council continued to press the Kennel Club further, to disallow any merle registrations, either in the UK or from any other country. Another successful result was achieved, and the Breed Council can feel duly proud that they have done everything within their constitution to protect the purity and health of the breed.
Breed Council also continued to pursue the FCI’s unauthorised changes to the Breed Standard and Patronage, and here too, we were successful – in part. The FCI changed the standard back to the UK version but omitted some fundamentals and changed the understanding of a few others. We are still pursuing the issue via the Kennel Club Breed Standards committee. There is also another issue with a country who, (it is alleged) omitted the word ‘desirable’ from the height part from the standard translation. This is also being investigated by the Breed Council. Once again, the Council can be proud that, as guardians of the breed, we have pressed so hard to align the two organisations’ standards and, we have been very well encouraged and supported by other countries.
Health work has continued and is moving in a positive direction with Jo Whitehead doing a grand job collating all aspects of health screening, including hearts, auto immune and other issues.
Pam Marston Pollock, as our Breed education coordinator has been very involved, not just in whippet education but in the JCF themselves, helping to move their new processes forward as a significant member of the review panel. She has produced an excellent educational and descriptive Breed Standard document, along with illustrative photographs and her whippet breed video is available for all to see (free) on the Kennel Club Academy site.
In February, the Whippet themed lunch at the Kennel Club in Clarges Street was so successful, that diners were demanding another event before they had even left the building! So, another was arranged, this time as a Christmas lunch, and again, was very well subscribed with over 50 places. No other breed has had such an impressive turn-out.
WOTY seemed to have lost support from the whippet fraternity but a small team of enthusiasts got together and put on a revamped WOTY competition in April, after the Whippet Club Championship show. The event was a resounding success and now they have another scheduled for May this year. There will be 3 judges for the Adult & Puppy competition as before, and a 4th judge for the Veteran and Special beginners’ competition. A new and exciting change for this not to be missed event.
There is a whippet conference planned in 2022 – in Italy. Further details will follow in due course, but an information presentation is planned in the evening of the WOTY event.
There was a proposal for a Breed Council newsletter, which was beautifully produced by Helen Rishworth and was available at Manchester Championship show. There are still some copies left.
The Breed Council web pages and Facebook pages continue to be updated regularly, so everyone can see the latest information. Many thanks to Mark Smith.
For personal reasons, Breed Council secretary Russell Sykes, resigned shortly before the September meeting and Mel Sampson was appointed as interim secretary. The council was naturally very sad to lose Russell, and his passion for the breed, but we have a capable and competent replacement in Mel.
Finally, and sadly, earlier this year, Molly Head expressed her desire to retire as treasurer, so this will be her last meeting holding the purse strings. I’m sure you would like to join me in an expression of thanks for her support throughout the last 15 or so years.
A presentation of flowers was then made to Molly Head by the Chairman.
Led by the KC, the Breed Health Conservation Plan started collection of data. Around 1000 heart tests had taken place, and data has been collected on auto immune conditions.
The Breed Education Coordinator presented a report which explained that the JCF was in suspension until an independent review takes place. As well as being an Accredited Trainer, our Breed Education Coordinator was also invited to be a member of the JCF review panel. Details are passed onto Breed Council as they emerge. A breakdown was given of Breed Appreciation Days, Multiple Choice Exams and Mentoring. BEC thanked all Club Secretaries for their support and those who have been mentors as the feedback from mentees has been excellent.
The Breed council elected 2 new officers. Mel Sampson was elected as Secretary and Mark Smith as Treasurer.
This meeting was then closed and was immediately followed by the ordinary meeting.
There was discussion and reports regard communication with the KC allocation of prospective CC’ judging appointments. Breed Council will continue to notify the KC of any judges whom they consider lack sufficient breed specific knowledge for CC appointments.
Anomalies between the FCI breed standard and the UK version had been noted and the Chairman was continuing to pursue this with the KC.
The secretary had asked the Kennel Club for confirmation of their Current Criteria (Jan 20)
For judging whippets as a 1st Breed:
- 7 years experience
- 12 Stewarding Appointments
- Passed points of the dog
- Attended Confirmation & Movement seminar
- Passed a breed specific assessment
- Passed Rules of a Dog Show Judge
- Judged 250 dogs
For judging whippets as 2nd & 3rd Breeds
- 5 years experience
- Passed breed specific assessment
- Judged 250 dogs
For judging whippets as a 4th Breed onwards
- No breed specific assessment required.
The Whippet of The Year finals in 2020 also came under discussion as the event was going ahead again but with some welcome new changes that were reported.
There are to be two new competitions – Veteran and Special Beginners. Only two out of those eligible for the Special Beginners class have not entered. There is Dog Of The Year and Puppy Of The Year. So far the entries are over 110 dogs through the four competition ‘classes’. Please do donate or support the event if you can. There are adverts available in the catalogues which are pre-paid. There is a Facebook Page for WOTY and in the future there is hoped to be a website.
The Breed Council Newsletter was excellent and copies could be requested from the secretary. The newsletter also showcased the Breed Council’s beautiful new logo.
The date of the next meeting was set as Sunday 9th August at The Sports Connection. Ryton on Dunsmore.
Since this Breed Council meeting earlier this year, Covid-19 has altered many planned events for clubs, shows and societies throughout the UK, indeed throughout the world. For now, we must rely upon our Government guidance as to the way forward.
Wherever you are, stay safe, enjoy your whippets and hopefully we will be together again soon.
Ann Beckett-Bradshaw