Only one breed club out of eleven was unrepresented at the meeting, (due to extreme weather in their own area) so we had excellent attendance once again. It is wonderful to see both the enthusiasm and commitment of the Breed Council moving forward.
We began by holding a minutes silence in memory of Nev Newton who had passed away a few days before the meeting and a mere 6 months after his wife Edith. Our sympathies to Editha Newton and family on the loss of both of her parents in so short a time. They will both be missed by many of us.
The Breed Council had received a letter of complaint regarding unsporting behaviour and unpleasant comments on social media at, and after a recent European dog show. The Breed Council has no disciplinary authority, but there was much discussion on this unpleasant side of the dog world and the council agreed that it would like the Chairman to release a statement reminding judges, exhibitors and spectators of the codes of best practice and of the standards of behaviour and sportsmanship expected by both the Whippet Breed Council and the Kennel Club, both at home and abroad. You will find this elsewhere on the Web site and Facebook pages.
The Breed Council’s web site and Facebook pages are serving as a useful enlightening tool for both communicating and dissemination of information. Both ‘webmasters’ have been updating the sites with relevant material promptly. Well done to both Russell and Mark! The only way we can keep the lines of communication open to all whippet owners is to have a forum that they can access easily, where breed information can be posted. Please feel free to ‘share’ so that the message is spread.
The Breed Education Coordinator has been very busy with informing and educating judges, mentors and speakers regarding the JCF. If you are unsure about anything to do with the new system or where you fit into it, please contact Pam Marston-Pollock by email on Pam is both prompt and helpful, and her role is there to assist us all in this transition.
There had been discussion previously regarding the possibility of a ‘Whippet Themed Lunch’ at the Kennel Club in Clarges Street, London. This would allow those attending to see around the Kennel Club building, library etc. but in particular the opportunity to see works of art, books and other breed specific items which may not normally be on display to the public. Why not come along and enjoy a splendid lunch with other like-minded whippet people. Wednesday 6th February is the date that was set. The themed lunch is open to anyone who wishes to attend. There is no requirement to be a member of the Kennel Club. If you are interested in attending, contact the Secretary Mr Russell Sykes. The cost, including the lunch, is expected to be £37.50 which includes tea/coffee on arrival, pre-lunch drink, 3 course lunch with wine, a glass of bubbly, coffee and chocolates. A guided tour of both the library and the gallery tailored to the whippets. A day not to be missed!
Miss Fiona Mycroft and a colleague shared an excellent presentation on their ideas for holding a special event named UK WHIPPET SPECIALITY – this would be a new Whippet Of The Year event. Various ideas were suggested for this event and I’m sure that Fiona would appreciate your input, suggestions and support. She has compiled a ‘survey’ to see what sort of support there would be for an event like this and you will find the link on both the Website and Facebook pages.
Breed Health Co-ordinator Jo Whitehead updated the meeting on current Health topics. Jo told us that in the first quarter of 2019 she will have to submit any relevant whippet specific data that she has to the Kennel Club for their new Breed Conservation project. The Breed Health Co-ordinator role is a big one, and Jo will be appointing a sub-committee to assist her.
But the real highlight of the day was regarding the Breed Council’s application to alter the whippet breed standard. The Secretary Mr Russell Sykes read out an email from the Kennel Club regarding the change. The application had been successful and the whippet breed standard will be changed from: “Colour: Any colour or mixture of colours” TO “Colour: Any colour or mixture of colours, except merle”. Very good news for those wishing to protect both the purity and health of the pure-bred whippet. The amendment to the standard will be published in the December 2018 issue of the Kennel Club journal, and the Kennel Clubs website will be updated from 1ST December 2018. The FCI will also be notified by the Kennel Club and requested to return the FCI standard back to the UK version along with the amendment.
Finally, at close of business, the date of the next meeting, which includes the Annual Meeting was agreed as Sunday 27th January 2019 – the ANNUAL meeting will be followed by a Full Breed Council meeting. The venue is not set as yet but will be in the Coventry area.
Once again, the Breed Council is delighted to invite anyone who would like to attend a council meeting, simply contact Russell Sykes and he will ensure that you have all the details in advance of the meeting.
We hope to see you soon.
Ann Beckett-Bradshaw